I’m not here to talk about the things that really suck. Happy thoughts muna.

My friends from the office and I wanted to have some really good Korean dinner, so after work last Thursday, Hannah, Louie, Ailyne and her boyfriend Balong and I braved the rush hour traffic and headed out to Gela Korean Restaurant in Makati.

While inside the car, we were talking incessantly about several things but quickly became quiet when David Cook’s Time of My Life played on the radio. Team David Cook!

On the way to Gela

Hannah and Louie can’t hide their excitement for the kimchi waiting for them

About an hour later, we finally arrived at Gela. It’s quite a small yet quaint restaurant near the red light district of Makati.

Facade of GelaInterior of Gela

Gela Korean Restaurant in Makati

We went all Korean and chose to sit cross legged. Before our main courses arrived, we were served all sorts of kimchi and other side dishes. I love spicy food but I couldn’t finish the kimchi-ed Korean peppers.


We were all in kimchi heaven

We ordered some sangmyupsal, kimchi with tofu (I forget the Korean name) and some cold ham which was kind of like our own crispy pata.

SangmyupsalMommy HannahKimchi, tofu, ham

When having a Korean dinner, you have to have a really good appetite because there’s just so much food. Good thing appetite is one thing we don’t lack. While we were busy filling ourselves, we noticed someone familiar…


A diner who looks like Ando, Hiro Nakamura’s bestfriend in Heroes!


Yataa!!! Hiro and Ando reunited, hehe.

After about an hour, our table looked like this.


All in all we had a fantastic time and satisfied our craving for all things kimchi. Next food agenda: sushi!

With K-guru HannahSay kimchi!

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